Monday, March 30, 2020

Dear Diary

         Hectic schedule, meeting targets, completing pending projects and in the end struggling to fulfil the expectations of everyone, these are what define me most of the time..
                 sometimes i feel i’m nothing but a robot .feel frustrated and helpless in such a chaotic situation when my heart start bleeding then its you, yes its you who brings life to me and get realise that i’m not a machine or mere a part of robotic daily routine.
              its you who take me to another world of happiness where there i have no complain, no anger and no pain. it is you who help me to shade all my worries and tiredness and get me fresh as petals of flowers.
           it is you who give me another prospective to see and to feel that life is not all about just meeting your targets but enjoying every bit of your existence without any terms and condition and live my passion what makes m happy amidst all that make me void and empty.
Thank you dear diary to be there for me..your my true friend ad my true love...

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Art Of Living

why you want another day, another year or another life? why you feel so attached to everything , scare to loose your family ,your money our loved one ?

           just becouse you never enjoyed anything what you have, you just try to hold everything as if someone to snatch your belongings.
you live your whole life in anxieties and in worries
you do everything for pleasure but end up with lose, dissatisfaction and despair.

            thats why you want another attempt to be satisfied and feel good.

have you ever realized when you enjoy anything completely it gives you feeling of disattachment and a sense of satisfation, it doesnt run in your mind anymore. you feel free.

          on the contrary, when you feel, you have not done thing properly or you have not enjoyed it, you want another attempt and another attempt to enjoy it and to be satisfied and in the process you feel so attached thus you start chasing thing mindlessly .

if you are not satisfied with your job you want another one,  if you are not satisfied with your relationship, you look for another relationship, if you are not satisfied with this you longing for that and thus you keep jumping one to another and end up with nothing but emptiness and lost.

your attachments create axpectations and your expectations bring pain only.

      hence if you want to enjoy your life learn the art of letting go , to unattached ,to feel free from everything whether its your family or your career or anything else. give your best and let things go. enjoy the process dont hope for desired end.


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Old Friend Fresh Memories

There are so many reasons


I love you for no reason

What makes my heart to fall for you

Is your enchanting smile

Your caring and loving attitude

Sometimes you bring happiness

And sometimes sorrow

Amid all the despair

You are hope for tomorrow

In the darkest night

You are my light

To show unknown path life

I know

One day, you won't be here


Your memories


My reveries

Make things perfect


Rest will be best

Monday, March 16, 2020

Do We Remind Ourselves About The journey of Life?

These days  in our busy life, perhaps  we have forgotten the essence of life. Now a day, for people, their career and making money and secure a status in society is supreme goal of life. More success means more money in life but does success only defined by money? What about contentment, self satisfaction and peace of mind? We have almost forgotten the significant and true means of life that are human values such as kindness, humanity, compassion and affection for all. All these values make life a meaningful and worth enjoying otherwise an individual is not more than a beast.  A branch of Psychology, Behavioral Psychology has found in researches that even a small act of kindness gives immense happiness and a sense of feel good.

Surprisingly, we don’t remind ourselves that we are not immortal. One day everyone who has taken his first breath will take his last breath, will have to leave this world but before leaving this world, what we do to make our life between birth and death significant?
Of course, it is not money or social status, but how much satisfaction and peace you have in your heart and how many people you made smile, this is what that does matter. This is very obvious fact but people avoid unconsciously and sometime consciously that what we do immorally and unethically to accumulate material things will remains here but we will not. We will not remain in this world but in the heart of people’s memories. Make sure it is good one.

We have very limited time in this world that too uncertain. no one knows one’s expiry date , which breath, which moment and which day will be our last one, in which nearly half of time we have spent , 1/4th we will spend in sleeping.  so what we have left with ,how should be spent?  To be happy, loved and to make people happy or just chasing futile, tiring dreams and aim, to die in dissatisfaction and unknown or live in hearts after leaving this world?????

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Success vs Satisfaction- My Experience

there are many people out there who can relate with me .they have lived or living my story which i'm going to share and feel emotions i went through.we all are very different yet very much same to each other,hence, can understand and relate to each other.this is the beauty of human emotions.

        there was a time when i used to get depressed to see myself lagging behind in the race of getting success. it was like nightmare to see that i'm not making any progress . life seems stagnant when people around me were achieving new heights but now my perception has changed towards success, life and happiness.
              Initially when we get what we have been longing for since a long time, its feel a great achievement ,we feel proud ourselves and at nine clouds such as our dream job, car or beautiful home.
                     I do remember when i got my first job it was like a dream came true. i was super excited.   it felt like i'm a free bird now ,the whole sky is under my feet. i was so happy that cant be described in words.
from a small city to a metro city,being in a very beautiful company ambiance , i used to see such things in movies.
                  but after few months, i realized that things are not like that i used to think. my schedule was getting hectic gradually . meeting targets, work pressure and my seniors expectations such a big deal..
                   I felt like a caged bird who has no choice but to follow instructions only. i extra worked to satisfy my seniors cause being a sensitive person it was like a death sentence for me to get any negative feedback regarding my work and that resulted in more work load as being a star performer. i felt like my all energy was drained . end of the day i left with nothing but a tired, battered and frustrated mind and body.
before leaving company i used to hide my dull face under the layers of make up but when i used to look in mirror , my soul used to ask 'do u have any cosmetic to remove my pain and make me feel fresh? i had no answer but silence.
        i was dying everyday. on my breaks( i hardly used to take break because of work load ) i used to talk to myself .one day i asked this is what you wanted to do in your life ? this is what you dreamt of for yourself and left your city ,your loved one? Answer was a silence, nothing to say but a deep pain inside me was killing me.
                 I started losing my interest in my work .there was a battle inside me i was fighting day and night. My whole existence was crying to get out of this hell. Being a very creative person it was like punishment to be in such a monotonous, vapid and environment where you cant do anything on our own but keep following instructions .only money making mentality was all around. my day used to stared with work load and end with emptiness. I was living a robotic life.

                  So what was my first work experience –how to be a fake person. Be in a mask. Live dual character . you are not feeling good but your fine. You have to greet people with smile while you are crying from inside. Emotions are meaningless if you want to be a successful person.
      In between what kept me alive was my hobbies of reading and writing and playing with paint brush.
And then one day i decided to quit and live the life i want for myself , not to impress people but to express myself. No longer be a people pleasing .

Success for people mean to have material things what they can keep in their bank account . in our society people count success in terms of money. Money is parameter of success .
But for me success is what i feel from inside. My inner peace and satisfaction is more important than any worldly achievement even though these are not the things i can get people feel proud of me or can get their approval but i think i don’t need anyone approval or any kind of label to be worthy .
I’m happy in my own way and i have my own kind of success to which no one can see but i cam feel. i want to live a happening life not an artificial and robotic life..

Friday, March 13, 2020

An Unloved Love Story

I hate you because i loved you
the story start from 
loving you to forgetting you.
A deep desire to have you forever
    and then,
to leave you forever.
An unloved love story,
left in cold on midway
instilled dark and fire
in my heart
 that is unable to shine
even in mid day light
no hope remained 
even not required
i'm happy
as we drift apart.

A new journey,
to love, to live
and to enjoy life to its fullest
to leave past in past
to leave behind shadow of despair 
to engross in the beauty of life
to feel all my blessings 
that god has endowed .

Thursday, March 12, 2020

What life is all about?

If you are not ready to be a part of rat race which is also called social norms you are considered "Waste" and tagged as fail.

          But being a part of insanity is success?
losing your voice in noise and your individuality is achievement?

doing everything but everything seems at a point of time meaningless is life?

A tired ,dissatified and lost person who constantly trying to fit in a image can be called a successful person? or our definition of succcess is faulty?

         there should be a question asked whether satisfaction important or success. inner peace is important or confirmity to social norms.

         what gives us more happiness being ourselve or battling day and night to fit in a social image..

        how many so called socially successful person have realised the beauty of life the way people like buddha have done?

false programming of society have snatched the originality of life, the true beauty of life.

the whole social system is busy to makes us someone else..we all are prepared to be someone else not the best version of ourselves.

       In process of becoming someone else we have lost our true identity . we know everyone but ourselves. our identity is limited to our name and work. we are living  in phase of identity crisis.

we all very busy to impress others and our true beauty is on unended wait to express itself.
 is it not insanity?
       our whole life is all about getting approval of others no matter how tiring and unwanted it feels.

    we all are getting prosperous from outside but from inside we are living in abject poverty.

     there is no peace, no love , no joy but  only meaningless and hollow show off and throatcut compition that leads to a lot of mental stress , physical problems and unbalanced life style.

       we are dying to live still we proudly say we are successful.